
Education & Events

The NMCN is dedicated to ensuring our Northern partners are aware of upcoming educational opportunities, events, and information. Check our events calendar regularly or join our mailing list.

If you're interested in promoting an educational or training event, kindly send an email to info@nmcn.ca. Ensure to include the event title, a brief description, fees, date, time, venue, contact details, and registration instructions (if applicable).

Northeast Courses

For more information on educational offerings at the Sault Area Hospital, please visit their website.

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Northwest Courses


Enhance and deepen your knowledge and skills during a 2 day hands-on ALARM (Advances in Labour And Risk Management) course May 15 and 16 in Sioux Lookout at the Meno Ya Win Health Center!

Thursday Oct 17th and Friday October 18th, 2024, 8:00 – 5:00 (Breakfast 7:30)

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This coursehas been created by the SOGC and includes case discussions and workshops onbreech deliveries, postpartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, and much more.This course is suitable for both new and experienced health care providers(MDs, nurses, and learners), and is accredited by the Royal College ofPhysicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians ofCanada. For information on the course, please visit ALARM Courses (sogc.org)

We've rescheduled to increase attendance. The Sioux Lookout course will be especially applicable to those who find themselves caring for pregnant and labouring women in Northwestern Ontario as instructors will have an understanding of the issues facing our rural and remote context.


(*Sioux Lookout's Local Education group is subsidizing local LEG member physicians)

Registration: To sign up please e-mail mbollinger@nosm.ca. If questions regarding the exam or registration challenges on the sogc website email alarm@sogc.com

Please forward on to any interested parties

Thursday Oct 17th and Friday October 18th, 2024, 8:00 – 5:00 (Breakfast 7:30)

Additional Courses

Ottawa Curriculum for Perinatal Mental Health

The University of Ottawa, Office of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the Department of Psychiatry are proud to present this 1/2-day in-person course at The Ottawa Civic Hospital on Perinatal Mental Health Guidelines.

October 18, 2024

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Ottawa Curriculum for Perinatal Mental Health

The University of Ottawa, Office of Continuing Professional  Development (CPD) and the Department of Psychiatry are proud to present this  1/2-day in-person course at The Ottawa Civic Hospital, Amphitheatre.

2024 is the year of Perinatal Mental Health Guidelines!
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) and the  Canadian Network for Mood & Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) are both  releasing the first Canadian guidelines on Perinatal Mental Health. We are  pleased to host their first joint launch.  

The focus of this year's course is on Evidence Based Stepped Perinatal Mental  Health Care, with updates and clinical applications of the new SOGC and  CANMAT guidelines. In live seminars, you will hear directly from the experts  involved in the development of these guidelines. The morning closes with a  comprehensive panel of community resource providers to showcase their  integral roles in the stepped care model. There will also be the opportunity  to ask questions directly to perinatal psychiatry experts.
This course will be of interest to ALL perinatal care providers, including  obstetricians, family doctors, psychiatrists, midwives, nurses, doulas,  social workers, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, lactation  consultants, and learners.
Early Bird Deadline: Friday September 20, 2024

October 18, 2024

Paediatrics Continuing Medical Education

Children's Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre offers the Pediatric Regional Outpatient Program (PROP) which includes Case-Based Lecture Series.

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Paediatrics Continuing Medical Education

This education is developed by the Children's Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.  The Continued Medical Education committee comprises of paediatric staff specialists, academic paediatricians, family physicians, nurse educators, and community paediatricians (regional partners). As part of the Paediatrics Continuing Medical Education, they offer the Pediatric Regional Outpatient Program (PROP) which includes Case-Based Lecture Series. To participate individuals must sign up free of charge, and create an individual login. They are also able to facilitate simulation and point of care workshops as arranged via your departmental leads.

Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK)

TREKK provides recommendations on common pediatric illnesses.

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Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK)

Website used by many tertiary centers. Best known for their DKA algorithm. Has many pertinent pediatric ‘bottom line recommendation’ references on common pediatric illnesses, other up to date algorithms on pertinent pediatric illnesses. There is also a phone app for quick reference.

Connected Care

Live and recorded educational webinars in relation to the current pediatric surge.

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Connected Care

Live and recorded educational webinars in relation to the current pediatric surge. Connected Care offers a library of self-directed education and practice resources and access to recorded webinars. This is an excellent resource and SickKids is encouraging community hospitals to share this education.

Open Paediatrics

E-learning educational modules recommended by SickKids and CHEO.

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Open Paediatrics

E-learning educational modules recommended by SickKids and CHEO. Learners must create a login to track progression. Once access is granted, navigate to the critical care platform and enroll in the desired courses. No cost.

Workshops, Webinars and Conferences

Children's Healthcare Canada Conference 2024

Children’s Healthcare Canada and co-hosts, the Janeway Children’s Hospital and the Janeway Children's Hospital Foundation, invite you to join us in picturesque Newfoundland and Labrador from October 20-22, at the St. John’s Convention Centre for our 2024 Annual Conference , Right-Sizing Health Systems for Kids: Navigating to Brighter Futures. For those unable to attend in person, a real-time virtual option will also be available.

October 20-22, 2024

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Children's Healthcare Canada Conference 2024

Children’s Healthcare Canada and co-hosts, the Janeway Children’s Hospital and the Janeway Children's Hospital Foundation, invite you to join us in picturesque Newfoundland and Labrador from October 20-22, at the St. John’s Convention Centre for our 2024 Annual Conference , Right-Sizing Health Systems for Kids: Navigating to Brighter Futures. For those unable to attend in person, a real-time virtual option will also be available.

October 20-22, 2024

Children's Healthcare Canada's SPARK: Live webinars and recordings

Children's Healthcare Canada's SPARK: Live webinars is a bi-weekly learning series.

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Children's Healthcare Canada's SPARK: Live webinars and recordings

Children's Healthcare Canada's SPARK: Live webinars is a bi-weekly learning series.

SPARK: Live provides you access to:

  • Cutting-edge research and other evidence (practice, policy, leadership, and lived experience) in child and youth health and healthcare
  • Innovations from across the child healthcare continuum
  • Subject matter experts and colleagues from Canada and around the world

Sign up for our SPARK Newsletter.

Check our SPARK Learning Calendar.



SPRUCE-RN offers free skills-based simulation practice accessible to nurses & allied health professionals in rural-remote settings.

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The goal of the website is to provide a one-stop-shop for starting hands-on education at your nursing station/healthcare center today. Spruce-RN and its content was co-developed by nurses with experience providing care to patients in rural/remote locations in Ontario and nurses with simulation-based nursing education expertise. This website is designed by nurses for nurses.

PRACTISS (Peer-Run Applied Cases for Teaching Interdisciplinary Simulations and Scenarios):

PRACTISS is a completely free, open-access learning platform looking to make simulation and case-based education accessible to all.

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PRACTISS (Peer-Run Applied Cases for Teaching Interdisciplinary Simulations and Scenarios):

PRACTISS is a completely free, open-access learning platform looking to make simulation and case-based education accessible to all.