Invitation to participate in the iKnow to Grow Study!

November 27, 2023

Are you interested in participating in an exciting research study focused on incorporating shared decision-making into in-hospital decisions for children with medical complexity? We are currently recruiting healthcare providers and caregivers of children with medical complexity from across Ontario to provide their insights and help co-design a tool that will shape the future of the decision-making process during hospitalization on the general pediatric ward.

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary, but your input will greatly contribute to improving the care provided to children with medical complexity. We are looking for individuals who can dedicate 2 hours of their time to participate in a virtual focus group discussion, followed by a brief 15-minute survey.

If you would like to participate in this study, please take a moment to fill out the form linked here. Once you have completed the form, a member of the iKnow research team will contact you to discuss further details if you meet the eligibility criteria. We also encourage you to share this opportunity with anyone you know who might be interested in contributing to this vital research.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Dr. Peter Gill (Principal Investigator) at or Rizk Elmadbak (Research Assistant) at They are available to provide any additional information you may need.