Northern Maternal Child Network; Maternal Newborn Committee

December 11, 2022

1.0 Purpose  

The Maternal and Newborn Committee (MNC) is a standing committee that provides oversight to the  maternal-newborn portfolio of the network. The work of MNC is expected to be relevant to both  community and hospital settings, and attuned to differences in urban, rural and remote parts of the  region.  

2.0 Scope & Deliverables  

The Maternal and Newborn Committee will:  

 Support and advise the NMCN Steering Committee on regional gaps and planning  recommendation for maternal and newborn health services in Northern Ontario;   Collate and disseminate evidence-based practice guidelines and standards to inform the  delivery of equitable, high quality maternal and newborn care;  

 Develop, track and report on key maternal and newborn health system indicators to  promote quality improvement and accountability;  

 Provide leadership to maternal-newborn Sub-Committees/Tasks forces/Working groups;   Receive regular reports from the Sub-Committees/Task forces/Working groups; and   Identify and advocate for the health needs of the maternal and newborn population in the  North.  

3.0 Sub-Committees and Ad-Hoc Working Groups  

The MNC may establish working groups and asks forces with specialized expertise to focus on specific  topics.  

4.0 Guiding Principles  

 Keep the patient/client/family at the centre of all we do;

 Ensure active involvement of members – we share responsibility to get the work done and thus  are accountable to each other and our patients/clients/families/communities for the outcomes  produced;  

 Ensure respect and compassion;  

 Create space for, and listen intently to, the diversity of voices and perspectives;

 Be transparent – we will share information (related to process and content) broadly and in a  timely way;  

 Engage in a meaningful and appropriate way with the many people who can enrich the work of  the network;  

 Ensure equity, inclusion, and diversity are incorporated in all aspects of the network; and   Representatives have a responsibility to solicit input from and report back to the participating  organizations they represent. Participating organizations and sectors need to have an informed  voice at the table, even if they are not at the table.  

5.0 Accountability  

The MNC reports to the Steering Committee of the Northern Maternal Child Network. The MNC submits  a maternal and newborn health specific annual work plan to the Steering Committee for approval, and  reports on its progress through quarterly and annual reports, in addition to any ad-hoc reports  requested by the Steering Committee.  

6.0 Decision-making Guidelines & Quorum  

The MNC and its members are expected to make decisions that are in the best interests of the region,  rather than the interests of any single organization or component of the system. All members share  accountability for decisions and results. There will be open and direct communication based on honesty,  respect, and transparency to ensure that all perspectives are heard.  

Quorum is set at 50% + 1 of membership for decisions.  

Decisions will be made by consensus if possible; if consensus is not achieved, then a majority-based  decision will be made. If voting is required, members are entitled to one vote, which should include the  opportunity for absentee members to provide input.  

7.0 Length of Commitment  

Members will serve a 1-year term on a voluntary basis with an option to renew.

8.0 Terms of Reference  

The Terms of Reference for the MNC will be reviewed on an annual basis.  

9.0 Meeting Frequency and Location  

The MNC will meet monthly, or as determined by the Co-Chairs. Meetings will be held virtually to ensure  broad and equitable access.

10.0 Membership  

The overall composition of the MNC reflects a balance of skills and perspective needed to achieve  the defined Scope/Deliverables and support the mandate of the NMCN as it relates to maternal and  newborn health services (Appendix 1).  

The MNC should be comprised of at least twelve (12) and not more than eighteen (18) voting  members. Consideration of members include cross-geographical representation and the following  perspectives/skills; public health, primary care, community health settings, hospitals, and diverse  clinical disciplines.  

The membership of the MNC shall include representation from the following categories, and where  applicable, one member may provide representation for more than one category below:

Practice Settings:  

o Community Health Programs  o Hospitals  

o Clinical Disciplines:  

o Administrator/Operational  Leader  

o Family Practice  

o Indigenous Midwifery  

o Lactation Consultant  

o Maternal Fetal Medicine

o Primary Care  

o Public Health  

o Midwifery  

o Neonatology  

o Nurse  

o Respiratory Therapist  

o Social Worker

The MNC is led by two Co-Chairs, typically North West and North East representatives. Co-chairs will be  decided by committee members. Co-chairs may be invited to Steering Committee meetings.  

12.0 Resources  

The MNC will be supported by the NMCN Regional Coordinator. The Regional Coordinator is responsible  for ensuring alignment and coordination across NMCN’s standing committees.  

Version date: July 2022  

Approval date: July 21, 2022