Seasonal Respiratory Pathogens Readiness

November 27, 2023

Seasonal respiratory pathogens such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory pathogens are again expected to be atypical compared to pre-pandemic years impacting the pediatric population. While the risk of COVID-19 has been diminished through factors such as increased immunity and high vaccination rates, combined with other seasonal respiratory pathogens, COVID-19 continues to be a threat to the health and wellbeing of Ontarians and will contribute to seasonal surge pressures on the health system.

To help the provincial health system prepare for and respond to seasonal respiratory pathogens, the Ministry of Health has developed the Seasonal Respiratory Pathogen Readiness and Response Planning Guide.

This planning guide sets expectations for health system partners to support readiness and response to the annual surge of seasonal respiratory pathogens and build ongoing resilience in the health system.

For more information, read the memorandum from Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health, Public Health.